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ICCT2024 Conference Site


International Association for Convergence Science & Technology(IACST) is an international non-profit professional association dedicated to promote the advancement of Convergence in science, technology, art, and humanity through highly cited publications, conferences, symposia and various educational activities for next generation. IACST believes that convergence is a very powerful approach to develop creativity and bring about innovation in most disciplines.  

IACST Brochure

ICCT2022 Video


1. To publish high quality international journals in various convergence fields so that researchers can publish their research works efficiently. 
2. To organize international conferences for presenting papers and the communication among professional researchers from both academic and industrial areas. 
3. To organize professional symposia to connect advanced and leading researchers for the advancement of many convergence science and technology.
4. To open professional seminars and education programs in convergence technologies helping young and future generation. 
5. To cooperate with global advanced institutions promoting actual convergence studies and works.


IACST Newsletter

Click here to download the Newsletter(2018 Winter Issue)

Click here to download the Newsletter(2018 Summer Issue)

Click here to download the Newsletter(2018 1st Issue)